CPSH Seminar: Hannah Diamond-Lowe

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FEBRUARY 24, 2024 at 1:00pm CT

Location: Classroom 15.216B, Physics, Math and Astronomy Bldg.
UT Austin, Department of Astronomy
2515 Speedway, Stop C1400
Austin, Texas 78712-1205

Online: To join online contact Brandon Jones.
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Hannah Denmark Cropped

Speaker: Hannah Diamond-Lowe, Assistant Astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute

Host: Caroline Morley

Title: Hot rocks and host stars: terrestrial exoplanets and the M dwarfs they orbit

Abstract: Exoplanets outnumber stars in the Milky Way, and small worlds with radii less than 4x Earth’s radius are the most common. Despite being all around us, terrestrial exoplanets are the most difficult planetary type to study because they produce small signals in techniques we use to study exoplanets and their atmospheres, such as transit spectroscopy. To maximize detection and characterization signals we take advantage of “the M dwarf opportunity,” whereby the relative radii and masses between small planets and small stars boosts the transit and radial velocity signals we are looking for. Today, JWST’s infrared capabilities, pointing stability, and 25 square-meter collecting area are giving us unprecedented access to rocky worlds orbiting our closest M dwarf neighbors. However M dwarf host stars are more variable than expected, and can imprint stellar molecular features on planetary transit spectra. In this talk I will present the state of the field of terrestrial exoplanet science in the JWST era, including the latest results, toughest challenges, and brightest prospects for discovery.


Biography: Dr. Hannah Diamond-Lowe received her PhD from Harvard University in 2020 before moving to Copenhagen to do a postdoc at the Technical University of Denmark. She is now an Assistant Astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute where she does research on M dwarf rocky planets, supports the MIRI instrument, and is the Deputy Lead of the Rocky Worlds DDT Program Implementation Team.