We will keep this page updated with existing opportunities for internal funding through the Center, as well as opportunities for funding for external collaborations. For external funding opportunities see Off Campus Opportunities. For further information on any of these opportunities please contact cpsh_ec@utlists.utexas.edu.
Job Openings
- Assistant Professor: Engineering of Habitats for Extreme EnvironmentsJob Opening (Cockrell School of Engineering) The Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position…
Visiting Scholarships
If you are interested in collaborating with members of the Center for Planetary Systems Habitability, you may get in touch with a relevant collaborator or the CPSH Executive Committee at cpsh_ec@utlists.utexas.edu.
Travel Grants

LPSC Travel Grant
The UT Center for Planetary Systems Habitability (CPSH) intends to support (travel and registration) a contingent of UT Austin students doing research in planetary science to attend the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 11-15, 2024, at The Woodlands, TX. Preference is given to students presenting at the conference but we also welcome graduate and undergraduate students wishing to attend to expand their research knowledge and to take advantage of networking opportunities.
If interested in joining the CPSH student contingent to LPSC2024, please send a few sentences describing your interest and goals for attending the meeting and an estimate for your travel budget along with any co-funding from your advisor or unit to Rhianna Moore (Earth and Planetary Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School). We welcome planetary science students from any college or unit.
Read about our past travel grant recipients.
Funding Programs
2024 CPSH Seed Funding Grant Competition
The University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Planetary Systems Habitability (CPSH) is pleased to announce the inaugural grant competition for interdisciplinary research among graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows involved with CPSH. We encourage proposals from interdisciplinary teams from any school affiliated with CPSH: College of Natural Sciences, the Jackson School of Geosciences, and the Cockrell School of Engineering.
We welcome proposals for research expenses at the graduate and postdoctoral level.
Deadline: All application components should be emailed to the executive committee by 5:00 PM CT on September 16, 2024.
Request for Student-Led Proposals in Planetary Habitability
The Center for Planetary Systems Habitability is pleased to announce our third call for proposals for Student Research Awards in Planetary Habitability. We encourage proposals from all schools involved with the Center: the College of Natural Sciences, the Jackson School of Geosciences, and the Cockrell School of Engineering.
We welcome proposals for research expenses and/or student funding support at the graduate or undergraduate level.
Deadline: This funding opportunity has now passed. Check back in 2024 for our next proposal call.
UT College of Natural Sciences Catalyst Grant Program
The CNS Catalyst Grant is a College of Natural Sciences internal funding mechanism meant to inspire interdisciplinary research collaborations that will seed efforts to secure major external funding. The CNS Catalyst Grant program funds up to two proposals per cycle, each at the level of $50,000 for one year.
- The 2024 Catalyst 2.0 Grant application cycle will open on January 29, 2024.
For more info and to apply visit the Strategic Research Initiatives and CompetitionSpace websites.